Otthon hagyott kutyák...

2013. december 03. - Citydogs

Kutyával az élet kiszámítható. Ha játszol vele, finomakat kap enni és persze, szereted, a kutyád boldog. Sajnos, mégsem lehetünk velük egész nap. Amikor otthon hagyjuk őket, elfacsarodik a szívünk, mert szánalmas bociszemekkel néznek utánunk. Ilyen képeket gyűjtöttünk össze ebben a blogban!

dog at window

Who’s There by Matt Proehl

dog at window

3:30 by Angie Rea

dog at window

They’re Home by Michele

dog at window

Doggie in the Window by Jennifer Prophet

dog at window

Window Tails by Kellie Berry

Dog In The Window

Dog In The Window by Viсtor Ivanovsky

dog at window

Charleston Boxer Dog in a Window by Nohea Art Photography

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Friends by Svenia Schreiner

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Acquiesce by Iryna Yeroshko

dog at window

Window dogs by Mike

dog at window

Dog in Window by Adam Bailey

dog at window

Looking For You #2 by Matteo Paciotti

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Waiting and Watching by Callie Reed

dog at window

Image by c_ambler

dog at window

Dog at the window by Tambako The Jaguar

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At the Window by Claudio Matsuoka

dog at window

Someone Waits for You by Jan

dog at window

Let it snow by Erin

dog at window

Image by Lucas Gervilla

dog at window

Le Jour ni l’Heure : Méditation d’Hapax by Renaud Camus